Doggie Dashboard Appointment Scheduling & Business Management Software for Pet Daycares, Kennels, Groomers, Sitters & Walkers

Online Management Software for Pet Care Businesses

2022 New Feature Roadmap

Last Updated: October 15, 2024 • Visit Blog Homepage

In December, I asked everyone for their 2022 feature requests and BOY did you deliver...over 113 features!

As always, not all features can be implemented.

Quite a few requests were for custom features that only that specific business would find useful: "We do business differently than most. I need a custom calendar that..."

On the other hand, many features were also double-requested and quite helpful: "More intuitive payment tracking would be helpful."

The rule of new features is, it must be requested by numerous businesses so that the majority of DoggieDashboard users will find it useful. When one business requests a very specific feature, it's most likely only going to be used by them. However, when 10 businesses request the same feature, it's clear that a majority of users will appreciate it.

Of those 113 requests, there were a lot of great suggestions. Here are just a few that will be getting implemented this year:

  • Pet names on invoices

  • Faster pet search for report cards

  • Easier payment tracking system

  • Customizable invoice due dates

  • KennelCards for daily arrivals

  • Pet last names on calendar

There are so many more, but this just gives you a little taste. Here's to 2022 being a great year!

1,549 Page Views since January 13, 2022

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