Doggie Dashboard Appointment Scheduling & Business Management Software for Pet Daycares, Kennels, Groomers, Sitters & Walkers

Online Management Software for Pet Care Businesses

DoggieDashboard Custom Invoice Lines

Last Updated: March 3, 2020 • Visit Blog Homepage

DoggieDashboard's invoicing feature lets you save "invoice items" that you can use in multiple invoices. This is great if you send numerous invoices with the same "$25 Overnight Boarding" invoice item. However, there are times when you want to create an invoice item that you'll only use once and it seems a waste to save it in your database for future use. Not anymore! DoggieDashboard now has custom invoice lines.

If you need to create a one-off invoice item like "De-Skunking Fido", simply select "Custom" in the invoice dropdown menu, enter the invoice item's name, cost and quantity, and let DoggieDashboard do the rest. It's super simple and will make your life much easier!

Watch the short tutorial video below to get started using custom invoice lines:

2,297 Page Views since March 2, 2020

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