Doggie Dashboard Appointment Scheduling & Business Management Software for Pet Daycares, Kennels, Groomers, Sitters & Walkers

Online Management Software for Pet Care Businesses

Boarding Kennel & Run Tracking

Last Updated: August 2, 2018 • Visit Blog Homepage

When DoggieDashboard started in 2015, it didn't include any type of kennel tracking functionality. After numerous feature requests from kennel businesses, it was implemented in late 2017. Since being added to DoggieDashboard, it's become one of the most popular features.

It doesn't matter if your business has 5 kennels or 50, you simply load them into the system and then you're free to rearrange them as you wish.

No more using a pen and paper to remember which pet is in which crate. Now you're only a mouse click away from seeing all your kennel appointments.

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