4 New Years Resolutions for Doggie Daycare Owners

Last Updated: October 11, 2024 ‱ Visit Blog Homepage

As we venture into 2018, let’s take a few minutes to set up some good New Years Resolutions that every doggie daycare owner out that can live by for the next 365 days. Follow these resolutions, and you just might see a bump in business growth and recurring revenue.

Treat Every Client as If They’re Your First

Remember how exciting it was when you got your first client? Someone called your business and asked if you were open a certain day. “We sure are!” was your excited response. Well, you might not be that excited about running your business anymore, but don’t let your customers know that. Running a doggy daycare is all about word of mouth advertising. If you’re current clients aren’t bragging about your business, you’re not doing yourself any help. So, be kind to your current clients, treat them well, let them know that they’re valued, and you’ll see business returns in your future.

Don’t Take on Business or Clients that Aren’t Within Your Values

As a new business owner, you’re most likely ready to take any business that presents itself. However, you’ll probably run into some shady clients and business partners along your way to business success. Think twice before entering a partnership with a somewhat-sketchy marketing company that claims they can get you 1000% returns. Watch out for the “business partner” who keeps missing your calls. It’s never a bad idea to fire your bad clients. Keep your values strong and true and you’ll surely be able to navigate the tough waters of business ownership.

Streamline Your Business to Reduce Day-to-Day Stress

Running a business takes time and effort. Anything you can do for your business to make it easier to run will save you time and money. Look into automated accounting software like Quickbooks for your business. Your clients will appreciate it and you’ll be able to keep track of your monthly financials with ease. Also, think about using an online doggie daycare software like DoggieDashboard. You can keep track of your clients and pets, send emails whenever you need to, and all around organize your business.

Spend Time Away from Your Business so You Love Coming Back

One of the most important parts of business is not getting overwhelmed and bitter with your business. That said, make sure to take time away from the business. Take weekends off every once in a while. Go for walks during the middle of the day to get some fresh air. Do whatever you need to do so that you can come back and be excited about your business. The worst thing is to dislike the business you run.

Here’s to a happy 2018!

2,790 Page Views since February 11, 2018

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