Doggie Dashboard Appointment Scheduling & Business Management Software for Pet Daycares, Kennels, Groomers, Sitters & Walkers

Online Management Software for Pet Care Businesses

Pet & Client Document Management Software for Dog Daycares

Last Updated: October 15, 2024 • Visit Blog Homepage

Ever since the inception of cloud document storage, businesses are no longer forced to have a basement full of paper documents. If you've ever been inside a law firm, you've most likely seem the boxes that tower to the ceiling. Well, just like Google Docs has helped law firms store their documents, DoggieDashboard online storage has also become an essential tool for doggie daycares and boarding facilities.

If you're the owner or manager of a doggie daycare or pet boarding facility, you're well aware of the need to store several types of pet and client documents. These can include things like boarding contracts, pet vaccination documents, and a wide range of other documents. In reality, there's really no limit to the type of document you might want to save for your business. It's entirely up to you as the owner or manager of your facility.

Below are the three simple steps to start storing pet documents in DoggieDashboard. To save client documents, like contracts and agreements, visit the pet owner's profile page and follow the same steps.

1. Visit the Pet's DoggieDashboard Profile Page

doggiedashboard pet profile
Every pet record that you save inside of DoggieDashboard has its own specific profile page. This is the page that stores all the pet's information like name, weight, age, allergies, etc. It is also the page that show's the pets past and upcoming appointments, as well as any training courses that it is part of.

In order to get started uploading a pet document, you'll first need to navigate to the pet's profile page. You can do this by visiting the main Pet Database page, or by using the Pet Search feature on the homepage that lets you jump directly to the pet's profile.

2. Verify the Document Type and Click the Appropriate Button

upload document interface
DoggieDashboard have two separate document uploaders. One of these uploaders is for uploading images and the other is used for uploading PDF documents and spreadsheets. Many times, a client will bring in a print out from their vet that shows the pet's updated vaccines. Using the image uploader, you can quickly snap a picture of the document with your phone and quickly upload it to the pet's profile page. If the pet owner sends you the PDF version of these same updated vaccination records, you can use the PDF uploader to upload that document. Once you've figured out which type of document you'll be uploading, click the appropriate button in the pet's profile page.

3. Find the Document on Your Computer and Upload It

selecting document to upload
Once you've clicked the appropriate document uploading button, you'll be shown a form that will let you upload the pet's document.

Click the next button that says "Select File" and your computer or phone will open up its file finder feature. Navigate through your computer and find the correct file you want to upload.

Once you've found the file, click the Open button in the file finder and this will automatically start the file uploading process.

4. Name the Document and Save it to the Pet's Profile

naming document to upload
finished uploaded document
After the document has finished uploading, you'll be brought back to the pet's profile page, where you'll see blue text alerting you that the document has been successfully uploaded to the cloud. The next step is naming the document. Make sure to use an easily recognizable name for the document like 'Proof of Vaccinations' or 'Signed Boarding Contract.' This way, if you need to go find a document on the fly, you can quickly do it.

Once you've named the document, click save and the pet's newly uploaded document will show up on the pet's profile page. Click the link inside the box to open and view the document that has been stored in the cloud. Simple!

Get started using DoggieDashboard documents.

2,378 Page Views since January 4, 2021

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