Doggie Dashboard Appointment Scheduling & Business Management Software for Pet Daycares, Kennels, Groomers, Sitters & Walkers

Online Management Software for Pet Care Businesses

Upcoming Sidebar Menu

Last Updated: December 5, 2024 • Visit Blog Homepage

Why do some pages have a sidebar menu and others don't? Simple! It takes a long time to code the sidebar for every single page. The goal is to have the sidebar on every single page by January 2025. Thank you for your patience!

Based on overwhelmingly positive user feedback, DoggieDashboard is releasing a new sidebar menu.

If you haven't noticed it already on certain pages (Account History and Notifications), you can see what it looks like below.

This sidebar menu makes navigation faster and gives DoggieDashboard the ability to show you more menu options than the current "top bar" navigation. It also gives the software a more modern feel.

The sidebar menu will slowly be introduced throughout the software in the coming months as each new page is updated.

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347 Page Views since October 30, 2024

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