3 Steps for Choosing a Doggie Daycare or Boarding Kennel Name

Last Updated: October 11, 2024 ‱ Visit Blog Homepage

Congratulations on deciding to start a doggie daycare. It’s going to be a good business choice, we’re sure of it. Owning a doggie daycare can be a very profitable business if done correctly. Now that you’ve decided to open a doggie kennel and boarding business, it’s time to pick a name. Here are 3 steps to go through when deciding on your business name.

Pick a Name that is Search Engine Friendly

We here are DoggieDashboard have plenty of experience in the field of search engine optimization. This is the “art” of making your website appear in Google’s search results, hopefully on the first page. One of the keys to getting your business name to show up is having a name that is spelled correctly and is easy to find. It might be fun to misspell a word on purpose in your name, like “Kennel Klub Doggie Daycare”, but the fact of the matter is, if someone tells a friend “Hey, I use Kennel Klub doggie daycare”, the person might go home and search “Kennel Club” and they won’t find your business. Therefore, make sure your business name is simple and concise and doesn’t have any purposeful misspellings.

Use a Name that isn’t Connected to Your Physical Location

This one might seem a bit strange, but it’s a good tip, trust us. Let’s say you start your business on a street called Grand Avenue, so you decide to call your business Grand Avenue Pet Boarding. Well, that’s all well and good, until you get too big for your current location, and then have to move across town to a bigger building. Now, you’re no longer located on Grand Avenue, and your business name doesn’t make sense anymore. Plus, you’ll have to change ALL your business documents if you decide to change your name. Therefore, use a name that is easily transferable, so that if you do decide to relocate, you only need to change your address.

Ask Your Friends for Advice and Criticism

Let’s be honest with ourselves; most of us aren’t the most creative people. We all THINK we’re creative, but deep down, we might not be. That’s okay. With that in mind, come up with a bunch of good names for your doggie daycare, and then ask your Facebook friends what they think. Do a little survey. The last thing you want is to pick a name that YOU think is great, and then have everyone tell you that it doesn’t make sense, or that it’s a little corny. Therefore, take your time, pick out at least 3 potential business names, and then go and get some advice from your friends. Who knows, maybe they’ll suggest a great business name that you never thought of before.

Thanks for reading this article and good luck starting your dog daycare. Whenever you're ready to start using software, check out DoggieDashboard.

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