Text Message Appointment Confirmations

Last Updated: June 4, 2024 • Visit Blog Homepage

Ask and you shall receive. After receiving tons of feature requests, text message appointment confirmations are just about here.

Starting around August 7, US and Canadian users will be able to send text message appointment confirmations to their clients. Simply select "Yes. Send Text." from the dropdown menu while creating your appointment.

The body of the message is as follows:

You have an upcoming appointment for PET NAME on DAY, DATE at TIME. For questions, contact PHONE. -BUSINESS NAME


In order to send correctly, the pet owner's phone number needs to be in XXX-XXX-XXXX format. If you have anything else saved in the pet owner's phone area besides a single number written like above, it will not work and you'll get errors when you try to send confirmations.

Due to technical complexities and various country-specific international texting regulations, texting is only available for businesses located in the USA and Canada.

1,289 Page Views since August 2, 2022

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