Doggie Dashboard Appointment Scheduling & Business Management Software for Pet Daycares, Kennels, Groomers, Sitters & Walkers

Online Management Software for Pet Care Businesses

General Achievement Certificate for Pet Service Businesses

Last Updated: October 14, 2024 • Visit Blog Homepage

printable pdf certificate for dog boarding kennel businesses
We'll cut to the chase. We here at DoggieDashboard, the free online pet boarding software company, are big fans of achievement certificates for pet businesses. They're a great idea for any pet service business for two main reasons:

1. Increase Word of Mouth Marketing for Your Business

We believe in word of mouth marketing because it's how we've grown ourselves. DoggieDashboard doesn't do any paid advertising. What we DO do is treat our users with respect and give them a quality product and great customer service. In turn, our users, dog daycares, boarders and groomers, tend to tell their friends about DoggieDashboard. They also tell other business owners about DoggieDashboard in private Facebook groups. When someone is looking to start a dog boarding business and they're told by a current business owner that our software works well, that's usually enough to get them to give it a try.

Let's translate that same idea into the pet-service industry. Let's say you own a dog daycare. You're looking for a way to encourage your clients to tell their friends about your business. You could try starting a referral program. That's a great way to get new clients. However, that can also take a good amount of time and also a decent financial investment. Or, you can start handing out achievement certificates to your clients. Maybe Fido had a great day and finally spent a whole day playing instead of hiding in his crate. Click on the certificate above, write "He made friends!" as the reason, add Fido's picture, print it out and hand it to the owner. They'll take a picture and brag about their dog on Facebook and someone might ask them about their experience with your business. They'll stay that they love your business and you might just get yourself a new client.

2. Make Your Business Stand Out from Competitors

The fact of the matter is, there are a ton of pet-service businesses out there right now. More and more are opening up every month. You're going to need a way to stand out from the competition and giving out achievement certificates could be the nice differentiator between you and the competition. It takes just a few minutes to print off some certificates and they'll pay dividends in the long run.

Besides the general achievement certificate above, we also offer plenty of other certificates for download:

Pet Grooming Certificate

Pet Training Certificate

Pet Boarding Certificate

Dog Daycare Certificate

Walking Certificate

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