Doggie Dashboard Appointment Scheduling & Business Management Software for Pet Daycares, Kennels, Groomers, Sitters & Walkers

Online Management Software for Pet Care Businesses

Profit Forecasting Spreadsheet for Dog Daycares, Kennels & Boarders

Are you planning on opening a doggie daycare or boarding facility and want to get an idea of what kind of profits you can expect? If so, you're in the right place. Use the interactive spreadsheet below to manipulate your various expenses to see how they'll affect your yearly profitability. You'll even be able to see how long until your break-even point is reached at varying price points and occupancy levels.

If you'd rather have an Excel spreadsheet that you can play with, check out these downloadable versions:

There's one more spreadsheet as well. This one takes into account boarding, daycare, grooming and training revenue. Click here to check it out.

Using your best estimates, answer the questions below and click "Calculate" to display your business profits!

In order to calculate your estimated revenue, the spreadsheet uses a weighted-average algorithm that first calculates an average daily appointment cost based on 65% of appointments per day being full-day, and 35% being half-day, and then multiples that by 25 days per month (80% Occupancy Rate).

Revenue Calculation Note: If you choose 5 clients in your first month and 2 new clients per month, your revenue is calculated using 5 grooming appointments during the 1st month, 7 grooming appointments during the 2nd month, 9 appointments during the 3rd month, 11 appointments in the 4th month, etc.

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Daycare Revenue
Boarding Revenue
Grooming Revenue
Retail Revenue
Total Revenue
Business Costs Below
Other Costs
Initial Investment
Total Fixed Costs
Total Taxes
Monthly Profit
(Revenue - Costs - Tax)
Yearly Total

When your 'Yearly Total' column changes from red to black, that means you've paid off all past expenses and reached your breakeven point. After that, it's pure profit.

This spreadsheet has generated over 2,433 calculations to date. Check out the other free DoggieDashboard tools here.